STM32 Secure Patching Bootloader Release v1.2.0

We are pleased to bring you the STM32 Secure Patching Bootloader Release v1.2.0

New features

  • Adds support for four new STM32L4 family dev boards (DISCO-L476G, NUCLEO-L412KB, NUCLEO-L452RE, NUCLEO-L496ZG)
  • Adds runtime API to get bootloader version string from application: SE_APP_GetBootVer().
  • Enables USB flash drive update on DISCO-L496G (wasn't enabled previously).
  • Updates API interface documentation in stm32_secure_patching_bootloader_interface_v1.2.0.h. Remove references to the previous generation firmware update system.
  • Adds test binaries for each board under Test/<BOARD> directory. Allows for quick validation of bootloader board support and evaluation of the firmware update process. Instructions for use are in the README.

Product customization for your board is available with product registration. Contact us or head to our product page for details.


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